Sunday, 1 February 2009

Kampala Pentecostal Church (KPC)

KPC began in 1984 with 75 people and is the birth place of Watoto Child Care Ministries. It is cell based (around 1,600 in all) with six district churches across Kampala. Our first Sunday in Kampala saw us at KPC Central and I was impressed with what I saw. They run four services back to back on a Sunday morning from 8am to 4pm. The congregation come in one door, worship, listen to the sermon etc. then go out the other door during the last song as the next lot come in.

The service was very well organised, from the choir helping lead the worship to the audio/visual team recording the service and projecting it on the big screen. During the taking up of the offering, a dance troup and rapper came out and entertained us (there were around 1,200 people for the offering bags to be passed around to which takes some time!) and the sermon we heard was the same as the one heard at all the other KPC services across the city. With all this "production", I didn't feel God was lost and really enjoyed worshipping together with such a large number of people. I particulary liked one thing I heard one of the leaders say and that was "God bless you... King size". I certainly feel He is blessing this church and community King size!

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